

May was the start of the colder weather, but also the launch of Masher, my new mid-grade fiction!Published by Penguin Random House.I wrote the first draft of this novel when I was the 2019 Otago University Creative New Zealand College of Education Children’s Writer in Residence (phew what a mouthful!) It was in my last […]

Are you exhausted?

How are you all doing?Since the pandemic has taken over our lives, I have developed the ability to sit quietly for HOURS at a time doing absolutely nothing. This is amazing for me! I look back on my previously hectic life, travelling around the country, delivering workshops and rushing home to make giant panda and […]

New titles & significant birthdays

It’s been a little over a month since my last post and the world has continued to be COVID, crazy and confusing. But here in New Zealand life seems quite normal again, and almost hard to remember the days of lockdown, though we are mindful that it’s ever present outside our borders.
Inside my expanding bubble, publishing things are happening.

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